
  1. Customers can use only one Voucher Code per transaction
  2. The Voucher Code can be used only once per customer
  3. The Voucher Code is valid for orders with a minimum spend of £100 ex. VAT
  4. The Voucher Code cannot be used with any other offer and cannot be used in conjunction with bulk order discount.
  5. The Voucher Code will apply 5% off for a maximum of £150 per order
  6. The Voucher Code is not applicable to all IBCs
  7. Direct Water Tanks Ltd reserves the right to change or remove the Voucher Code, without notice, where product availability is an issue.
  8. The Voucher Code is non-exchangeable, non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
  9. Direct Water Tanks Ltd reserves the right to hold void, cancel, suspend, or amend the Voucher Code where it becomes necessary to do so.
  10. Personal data supplied during the course of this promotion will only be processed as set out in the Promoter's privacy policy here.