How a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit

How a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit
5 October 2022 486 view(s) 4 min read
How a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit

Rainwater harvesting is steadily becoming more popular across the UK. People are more aware of their responsibilities to protect the environment, as well as the potential to save money. 

Now, businesses are realising that there can be great benefits to their business and the environment by harvesting rainwater.  

One question we often get asked is how a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit in their offices or warehouse.  

We’ve put together a quick guide to rainwater harvesting and how you as a business can use the rainwater collected. 

What is rainwater harvesting? 

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting rainwater that falls onto a surface area, such as a rooftop. Rather than letting this rainwater just go to waste, the rainwater harvesting kit collects the water for it to be stored in a tank.  

The rainwater collected can then be used for non-potable purposes in your business. 

What are the benefits of rainwater harvesting? 

Benefits for a business  

As a business, you can benefit from rainwater harvesting in several ways. 

The main   reason many businesses are drawn to rainwater harvesting is the money they can save. By using a rainwater harvesting kit, you can save money on your water bills each year. The actual amount will vary depending on your average usage, your rainwater harvesting kit and the size of the building that will use the rainwater collected. 

Another draw for businesses is the positive impact having a rainwater harvesting system can have on their reputation. People are more environmentally aware than ever, any chance to show you’re environmentally savvy is great for your reputation as a company.  

Benefits for the environment 

When you use a rainwater harvesting kit, you’re in turn helping the environment. 

Rainwater harvesting reduces the pressure on water resources in the UK. Water resources in the UK might not be in dire state, but due to the population increasing in the UK, the pressure on water resources is increasing.  Starting measures to reduce the pressure on water resources early, will prevent the likelihood of it becoming a major issue in the future. 

Different ways a business can use water from a rainwater harvesting kit 

If you’re liking what you’ve read so far, we’ve put together a list of different ways a business can use a rainwater harvesting kit. 

Not all of these may apply to your business, but even just one or two uses can greatly benefit your business and the environment. 

Toilet flushing 

One thing every business has is toilets, in either their offices or warehouses. These are a perfect place to utilise rainwater.  

Rainwater collected by the rainwater harvesting kit can be used to flush toilets, reducing the demand on water. 

Vehicle washing  

If you’re a company with a fleet of vehicles, you can use rainwater to clean your vehicles.  

Fire sprinkler systems 

Another example of something that every business has is fire sprinklers. You can use rainwater in your fire sprinkler systems in case there’s a fire emergency. 


If you’ve got clothes that are washed at your company, rainwater harvesting kits can supply water to your washing machines.  

This is a big benefit to the demand on water, as washing machines use lots of water. Finding an alternative water source is a great step towards lower demand on water supplies. 

Water office plants  

If you’ve got office plants in your business, rainwater can be used to water those plants.  

Rainwater is better for plants than water from a tap, so you’ll be doing your plants a favour, as well as your pockets. 

If you were concerned that you wouldn’t be able to use a rainwater harvesting kit to its full potential, we’re confident this information will have put those fears to bed. 

If you’d like to find out more about the rainwater harvesting system we have available or speak about a design, please email