Potable or Non-Potable - What's the difference?

Potable or Non-Potable - What's the difference?
2 July 2019 4765 view(s) 2 min read
Potable or Non-Potable - What's the difference?

Water tanks classified as ‘potable’ are suitable for storing water fit for human consumption. They must conform to the WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) so that the liquid is safe for drinking.

Non-potable tanks are specifically designed for the safe storage of non-drinking water and are equally as purposeful for everyday use across many different applications and environments.

The difference in classification comes from the materials used during the manufacturing process, specifically the type of plastic used to line the inside of the tank which comes into contact with the contained water.

Depending on the intended use of a water tank, it’s important to know the difference.

All potable water tanks must adhere to WRAS regulations in order to keep the water safe for consumption. If you specifically need to store drinking water in the tank, you will need a potable tank. Our vast selection of Potable Water Tanks have capacities ranging from 5 - 30,000 Litres and prices starting from only £19.30.

In general, most plastic water tanks are non-potable or unsafe for collecting water for drinking purposes because they have a porous surface that can collect bacteria that will defect the water in the tank. Some plastics also give off gases that can affect the water in the tank.

Non-potable tanks are predominantly used for commercial applications such as toilet flushing in industrial or commercial premises, horticultural and market garden applications, agricultural irrigation and civil engineering situations where mains water is not available. In fact, they’re suitable for any application where the water or liquid stored will not be consumed by humans or animals.

Understanding the difference between potable and non-potable tanks is essential when it comes to selecting your storage tank. Without the proper knowledge or assistance, you could easily invest in a non-potable water storage tank when you plan on storing drinking water.

We’re one of the leading suppliers of water storage tanks online in the UK and are on hand to offer any advice and support to help you choose the perfect tank for your requirements. Please feel free to view our full range of Water Storage Tanks or alternatively, call our team today on 01777 237933.