Unconventional uses of an IBC

Unconventional use of IBC
12 July 2022 711 view(s) 3 min read
Unconventional uses of an IBC

What is an IBC?

An IBC, or intermediate bulk container to give it its full name, is a container that stores and transports water. Their cube design allows the user to transport more water than they would be able to in a cylindrically shaped container.

It isn’t just the shape of the IBC that makes them so popular with our customers. Their design allows for them to be stacked on top of each other for easy storage when not in use. This makes them easier to transport as well. If you are wanting to stack your IBC, as a general rule, you can stack them in threes if they are empty or two if they are full.

Each IBC comes with a frame that adds further stability and durability to its design. Most often, it will be a steel frame that protects the plastic container from being damaged during transportation or day to day use.

When you buy an IBC from us, you have the choice of a new IBC or a reconditioned IBC. Depending on which type you buy, the normal use for the IBC may vary.

Usual use for an IBC

This ranges from storing liquids for human or animal consumption, storing potentially hazardous materials or any other form of liquids. You will also find that some are UN approved, which means they are suitable for holding flammable and corrosive liquids.

The alternative type of IBC is a reconditioned IBC. These have been used, but will have been laundered before being resold. We offer both a grade A IBC and a grade B IBC.

Grade A’s are considered close to ‘new’ condition. These are professionally laundered and show little signs of imperfections on the bottle. Due to past contents of the IBC, we don’t recommend these be used for storing drinking water or pharmaceuticals.

Grade B are still cleaned, but may show more signs of imperfections and discolouring. We again don’t recommend these are used for storing drinking water or pharmaceuticals.
When you are passing a construction site or remote farmland with animals grazing, you will often see an IBC. Festivals and other larger events often use an IBC or two for storing water for a variety of uses.

Alternative uses for an IBC

Outside their normal use, an IBC can be used for an array of different uses. We are often flooded with examples from our customers of their creative uses for an IBC.

Biffy Clyro - many of horror - Scarborough open-air theatre

Scottish rock band, Biffy Clyro, used several IBCs purchased from us to create a fantastic light show for their above live performance.

The plastic bottle used for the IBC is ideal for putting lights inside the bottle and using it as an impressive and original light display.

Chelsea Flower Show 2021 - Container Gardens: The IBC Pocket Forest

At this year’s Chelsea flower show, Sara Edwards created a unique IBC pocket forest garden.

Sara used an IBC to create a large plant bedding by cutting the IBC in half. The deepness of the IBC allowed for enough volume to hold an array of plants and shrubs in the container.

She also repurposed the steel base, designing a seat for the public to sit and take in the newly designed garden.

Animal hutch

You can adapt your IBC to an animal hutch for larger animals such as a rabbit. This may take a touch of handy DIY skills and plenty of cutting away at the bottle to create airflow, but the large space will allow you to create a multi-story hutch.

Make sure you make a swinging lock door to help your pet get in and out with ease.

We would love to see your creative uses for your IBC. Send your pictures to us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

If you’d like to find out more about the IBCs we have available, please contact our sales team on 01777 858009 or email sales@kingfisherdirect.co.uk.